_______ ______ _______ ___ ______ _______ ______ |__ __|/ ____/|__ __|| __| / ____/|__ __|/ ____/ __| | |____ | | | | ___| |____ | | | |____ | |___/ /_____/ |_| |_____|/_____/ |_| /_____/ /* MAIN */ Develop & Main Design: Sergio Ruiz Twitter: @SeRGiNaToR Contact: serginator [at] gmail.com Site: http://www.serginator.com From: Madrid, Spain /* SITE */ Last update: 29/04/2011 Language: English Doctype: HTML5 IDE: Notepad++, gedit, Photoshop /* THANKS */ Designer: Francisco Tapia Twitter: @Fran_T Helped with: Skin of the arcade machine Designer: Carlos Benitez Twitter: @etnassoft Site: http://www.etnassoft.com Helped with: Sources to learn, fixing things, understanding prototypes, closures, hoisting... Designer: Egor Balishev Twitter: @furagu Helped with: concepts in space invaders and ideas from his RGB Invaders Developer: Javier Cadenas Site: http://www.aventuraycia.com Helped with: Server and some jQuery problems. /* SPECIAL THANKS */ Special thanks to my girlfriend, who played my games and served me as betatester and also with some good ideas, and thanks to my friends on facebook and twitter who helped me testing the games too.